Dear Caroline,

My time in Rome has come to a close. How three months go by so fast! When I arrived in mid-April I was so anxious that I would have a rough experience like in Berlin, but I was so wrong. Rome was amazing, I would even call it home! There are too many highlights to list but I absolutely loved spending time with your parents and Mamie. I wish I explored a little bit more but Rome is the eternal city so I’ll come back and see what I missed.

I remember the day I arrived in Rome I was so happy to finally be somewhere with sun. Not a grey cloud in sight. And when I arrived at my host and saw how beautiful my new home was all my anxieties washed away while I took my first hot shower in 6 weeks. That was the most luxurious shower of my life.

I made some friends in Rome, it did take a little time but I got there, and the staff at school were so welcoming. I will miss them so much. I will also miss my host mom. When I arrived I said she was so cool and stylish, well I was right! She would come home in the evening and change into her party dresses and they were gorgeous. I hope her style rubbed off a bit on me.

Rome really is my home away from home. Im considering coming back in November for a few days and see the Christmas market. But that’s a long way away.

Today is also YOUR BIRTHDAY!! How old are you now? 18? I don’t even know you grow up so fast! Feels like just yesterday you were twirling around in Mamie’s living room in your Elsa costume. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to see you this winter. (Shhh don’t tell your siblings).

Off to Nice now for 3 months and I think it’s going to be quite glamorous. Hopefully we can FaceTime soon too!


