Dear Caroline,

Things are finally starting to feel like home. I went on a city tour with my school, we walked around Prenzlauer Berg. It’s a very posh and trendy neighbourhood. It’s known for its colourful buildings. Chloe came along and we took a couple pictures. Chloe has been having a great time here in Berlin.

Wednesday I went out to my first restaurant here in Berlin. We found an Indian restaurant and probably had the best lunch I’ve had here so far. It was delicious. You order your stew, and then on the table you have a communal rice bowl and naan plate. You serve yourself some rice then top it up with your stew of choice and voila, an amazing lunch. I ordered the Chicken Tikka Marsala, my favourite! After lunch Emilie was going to take us to an English language bookshop in Prenzlauer Berg but we got lost so we just walked around and found more of that amazing chocolate from Saturday. I bough 3 bars, it won’t last long.

On Wednesdays, my school has arts and crafts activities. This week we made birdhouses.  I thought it would be a perfect place for Chloe and Steve Crabington to spend their evenings. It’s quite roomy and comfy. What do you think?

Thursday Emilie took me to my first handball game. Handball is a deeply European sport. I don’t think we have any leagues in Canada or the US. It’s like soccer but played with your hands. It’s a weird game but it’s was so much fun to go to a match.

Friday I was meant to meet up with friends for dinner but I woke up very ill and needed to rest. More on that later…

Bis später!


