Dear Caroline,

This is it! My last moments in Berlin. Though it started a little rough, all in all it was a good time. I made some great friends, learned a bit of a new language, tried some new food, and much more! It was a great test run for the months to come.

Weird thing happened today. I spent all of today packing and organizing my bags and I kept my door open to circulate the air. Every once in a while Kenji would come by sniff my bags and hiss a bit. In the 6 weeks I have been here he has never acted this way. Cut to just before dinner, I was making myself a cup of tea when Kenji started circling my legs. I bent down to let him sniff me …. I didn’t see it coming! He attacked me. And I mean full blown claws in my arm, attacked me! I quickly stand up grab my tea and try to escape, but I can’t! Kenji has me trapped in the kitchen, with every step I take he digs into my ankles and feet, you can hear his claws against my clothes. I yell for help and finally my host mom comes to save me. But Kenji is NOT having it. He is meowing and hissing and still managing to claw me. My host mom had to pretend she was a matador to get him away from me long enough for me to escape into my room and close the door. I was now a prisoner, a hostage of a cat, for how long I did not know. But after I drink this tea I’m gonna need to use the bathroom.

After the adrenaline subsided from the feline assault I realized my arm was bleeding. I put some bandaids on and I thought I should check my legs. It was grim. My legs were torn up by thin scratches and claw digs. It was a crime scene.

My flight is super early at 6am so I’m not going to sleep tonight, I’ll sleep on the plane. I’ll be arriving in Rome at 10am, hopefully my bag makes it this time! I managed to sneak out of the house without waking Kenji, phew. No offence, but I will not miss that cat.

See you in Rome!


