Dear Caroline

Finally in Paris and well…. I’m already skeptical about France and this is my last destination so I really want to end on a high note. When I arrived at my host, she wasn’t even home, she took a 3 week holiday. Only her adult children are home, her youngest is 17 years old which isn’t far off from Jacquelyn and Zoe and her son is 22, which made me the oldest in the apartment by nearly ten years. I was very uncomfortable because I felt responsible now for these kids. The apartment is very nice and close to school. The first two days the meals were alarmingly bad, college meals at best. I went and talked to the school and they were so much more receptive to my concerns and helped me find my voice to ask for my bare minimums. They really empowered me to take charge of my experience here.

I’m still a little sick with heat exhaustion from Nice. the fever and heat aspect of the illness is gone but now I’ve got a bit of a flu, but the french health care is WONDERFUL! Only 25EUR for the doctor visit and the throat spray! I love french pharmacies too, they have the best products, organic, pharma, skin care, homeopathy. All the good stuff, I cannot wait to go to the big pharmacy and do all my shopping.

I think I will love my time in Paris but I need time to decompress from Nice.


