Dear Caroline,

Getting to Austin was no picnic. We were delayed by the snow storm in Toronto, then the plane had to de-ice, it was just not fun. What was meant to be a 3 hour flight turned into a 5 hour journey. So now that I’ve landed I thought I deserved a treat, and I wanted a cupcake. A red velvet cupcake to be exact.

In the Austin Terminal there are these cupcake ATMs, have you ever seen one? It was so new to me. The ones in Austin are run by Sprinkles, my favourite cupcake company, other than Magnolias in NYC. I nearly ran off the plane to get my cupcake. The machine is very simple, select you cupcake, pay, and voilà a fresh cupcake in your hand. What I didn’t count on was… the song.

Picture this… Fresh off the plane, a little disheveled and a little disorganized I knelt down to get my cupcake out of the dispenser drawer and at top volume echoing through the entire terminal was this loud song. Something about how Sprinkles are the best cupcakes in the world , which I don’t disagree, but the song really caught me off guard. Suddenly I felt like there was a massive “Tourist” sign over my head and everyone was looking at me. I was mortified. I’ve been in some pretty embarrassing situations, but this took the cake, mind the pun.

I quickly picked up all my stuff and ran to the exit with my cupcake. I just wanted to go home and enjoy this cupcake in peace.




Dear Caroline