Dear Caroline,

This week my classes are all in the afternoon which makes Mamie’s days feel really long since I’m usually home studying in the mornings. Thankfully one day I had a 10 am class an a long break before my 2pm, the weather was nice too which made it perfect to walk around the ancient Roman Ruins.

Just the week prior the school had organized a photo contest with the theme of Ancient and Imperial Rome. I was a little disappointed that I wasn’t able to get Mamie and I tickets for the Roman Forum but after doing the photo competition I discovered you can see a lot of the ruins without actually entering the park. For the contest we had 30 minutes to take photos and we had to submit one photo where the subject is imperial Rome and the photo could not have any filters on it. It rained during the contest which really made for some nice photos.

With all the exploring I did during the photo contest I thought this would be a great way to see the ruins for free with Mamie. We spent two hours walking the ruins, I showed Mamie where I took my pictures and the one I submitted.

For dinner Mamie wanted to return to Mr. 100 Tiramisu for the third time. We’ve now become regulars. We ordered the bruschetta mix again, it honestly is their best dish, and it was different than last time. Mamie was tiramisu’d out and as always I took mine home to go.

Today is Mamie’s last day. I had class in the afternoon so we decided to meet for dinner. At break time Mamie showed up at school, I was surprised since we had agreed to meet for dinner at 5pm and it was 3:20pm. She had been walking around and needed a little rest, she decided in true Mamie fashion to take a little lie down on one of the couches in the hall. I had told the staff that should would be napping but not to worry. She sleeps very still and silently but she’s ok. Just sleep not dead. I guess they didn’t pass the message along to the school director… Mamie had picked the couch right outside the Director’s office which coincidentally was right outside my class too, sure enough mid class I see the school director checking on Mamie making sure she’s ok. Even my teacher saw, we all had a little laugh.

After class as a farewell dinner we went back to Osteria Pasquino for some steak. Again very delicious, but we ate so fast that our even seemed to be ending sooner than we had hoped. We delayed, walked a bit, too a cab to my place, sat at the table for a few minutes and it was time to say goodbye to Mamie, her trip had come to an end.

I didn’t think it would be so hard to say goodbye, I’m going to see her at Caspianne’s wedding. I did get a little emotional. Mamie made it home and back to Winnipeg safe and sound. I still call her everyday.


