Dear Caroline,

After Napoli, Mamie and I decided that with the unpredictable weather it was best to cancel our trip to Venice and take today easy. It is Mother’s Day after all. We started with brunch at Mamie’s favourite cafe near her B&B. She become kind of a celebrity there. Mamie’s time in Rome is coming to an end and there were still a couple things she wanted to do.

Since the weather was wonderful today and it wasn’t too hot we went to the Spanish Steps. I have never been and they were just decorated with flowers for Mother’s day. On the way we realized Mamie didn’t have earphones for the plane, thankfully there was an Apple Store along the way. Since Rome is such an old city most, if not all the buildings here are protected, and the Apple Store is no exception. It had frescoes on the ceiling and everything was restored. Mamie also noticed the cash drawers are hidden inside the tables so that everywhere is a cash register, it’s pretty cool.

We got to the Spanish Steps and they were incredible, granted we only admired from a distance as the crowds where unreal and the vastness of the steps exhausted both me and Mamie just looking at them. With the steps crossed off her list Mamie made it known that it was time for gelato, and I knew the perfect place.

A couple days ago the school took us on a city walk to what is known as “the best gelato in Rome”. Everyone says they have the best gelato so you really can’t go wrong with any of the venders, as long as you follow these simple rules:

  1. Do not eat gelato that is piled sky high in the display case. This is not good gelato, it is mostly air and designed to attract unsuspecting tourists.

  2. Good gelato is made with natural ingredients thus colours are more muted. Do not eat any gelato that has unnatural colours. Strawberry gelato is more pink than PINK.

  3. Know what you want and order fast. Don’t hold up the line.

A few days ago the school took some of us on a walk to a famous gelato place called the Frigidarium and I thought it would be perfect for Mamie. There’s always a line up here but this time it was short and moving quick, and we even met some Hungarians. We got there just in time because as soon as we started ordering the line had wrapped the block.

We ended our day with another school recommendation, we had dinner at Osteria Pasquino, just a short walk from the gelato place and Piazza Navona. After eating so much pasta, pizza, and charcuterie, we both wanted a steak. As always Mamie ordered an artichoke and we both got the peppercorn steak. It was amazing! The steak was perfectly cooked with a peppercorn cream sauce. It was our most expensive meal to date but worth every penny!

Only a few more days in Rome with Mamie…


