Dear Caroline,

Day trip number 2. Today feels different, I’m a bit rundown, Mamie is a bit rundown, the weather is grey and dark. I’m just not feeling it today, but we get to the train station and make our way to Napoli. It’s super close just an hour away. Mamie and I are excited to go to Napoli because this is where everyone told us to get our fill of seafood.

When we arrived it was grey and wet, and honestly very dirty. I had a couple places mapped out but as we made our way to the first one I realized we were not going to be here very long. The streets in Rome are hard to cross as a pedestrian, here in Napoli it’s impossible. Mamie and I almost got run over by vespas twice. Most of the streets are what we would call alley ways and they are filled with people and dark since all the buildings are so close together. It was very hard walking as nothing was level and there were no side walks. We did one art museum and one cathedral and made it to Il Cuoppo for our seafood cones, which were very very good. But we were ready to go home. I understand that the beauty of Napoli is the coast but having to walk through the insanity of the city together made it feel like an impossible task.

I think people who love Napoli do the country side excursions where someone picks you up and takes you to a seaside villa or something, because the Napoli I saw was not the one I was advertised. I’ll go back but maybe with a tour or an excursion next time.

We took an earlier train and went home and had dinner in Rome at a Neapolitan pizza place. Though the day was rough we had a great time and had all the Neapolitan classics we set out to eat.


