Dear Caroline,

Every Monday we get a whole new set of students, which is very exciting, more opportunities to meet new people. This cohort again was many short stay students, most of which seemed to have joined my A2 class. We had a Belgian girl, an American woman, two Dutch girls and a woman who is English but lives in France. No new Canadians. I have actually only met one other Canadian and she left weeks ago.

This is my last week in A2 so if I was going to make friend with the new students I had to move fast. And found a friend! The English woman is a journalist, how cool! I’ve never met a journalist, it was really interesting hearing about her work and how the industry works.

This week was one of the most stressful weeks, it was my level up week which means I had to write a test. In Berlin we had tests every week, here in Rome it’s every 6 weeks which definitely freaked me out a bit. What if I didn’t remember what we learned 6 weeks ago? What if I failed? Thankfully my Italian grammar was very good and I got 74% on my test and will be starting B1 next week. Got some cooking classes lined up can wait to tell you about those.


