Dear Caroline,

Last time I was in Paris I didn’t get the chance to do much sight seeing. On the top of my list was the Palais Garnier (or The Opera), it’s where the ballet and opera perform. It is also where the legend of the phantom of the opera started. You know, the musical… well this is where it is set! The theatres in toronto are decorated, but the Palais Garnier is opulent. Marble staircases, gold trim, frescos… Oh My!

I don’t know if I ever told you this story, but:

When I was a little girl, a little bit younger than you (4yo-11yo was the height of it), I was convinced I was Belle. Yes. Disney Princess Belle, and for a large chunk of my childhood I would find every excuse to be like her. Dresses, galas, library visits, bakery runs with a little provincial basket… you name it, I found a reason to do it.

When I walked up the grand staircase at Palais Garnier I was transported to my little girl self and suddenly I was wearing Belle’s golden gown and walking down the grand staircases like a true princess. It was magical! On the mezzanine there is this ballroom but a little smaller, where I envision cocktail parties or where the Ladies and Lords would gather during the intermission of whatever ballet or opera was in production that night. So much gold, it would make the Catholic Church blush. I’m pretty sure it was the inspiration of the ballroom in beauty and the beast, because if I could ever imagine a real world example of the Beast’s castle, this would be it.

I later found out that Palais Garnier is also where the legend of The Phantom of the Opera began, which is also another obsession of mine. In the halls there’s also displays with costumes from previous productions. One dress was even made of sheet music!!

It is safe to say little Mediterranée lived out her life’s dreams today, and she is very happy!


