Dear Caroline

I’m back at the Louvre, after my first visit and getting lost, I realized that a single visit at the louvre wasn’t going to be enough. Especially if I wanted to see all the museum has to offer. Every entry is 17€ which can get expensive fast so I bough an annual pass. I have to go five times to make it worth it but I know I’ll go every week, maybe even twice a week!

This time around I had a plan. Armed with the map of the Louvre, I crossed off everything I had already seen and plotted my route for the afternoon. There is so much stuff and art and artifacts in the Louvre that just walking around can get overwhelming, so to focus my energy I gave myself a little challenge. This visit I challenged myself to find all the depictions of dogs in the art and trinkets on my way. Let me tell you… there are a lot of dogs! Today’s path was through the Egyptian antiquities and the Greek and Roman Empires. I know the French love their dogs, but I was very surprised that man’s best friend was even ancient man’s best friend. I’ve cut together a couple videos with all the dogs I’ve found, remind me at Christmas and I’ll gladly share them with you, but for now here’s a few of ma favourites.

Chloe had a great time in the Ancient Egypt wing, she took photos with mummies and sphinxes and a few sarcophaguses. She did get into a little bit of trouble with the staff, she got a little too close to some artifacts. We also found some ancient musical instruments, funny how the drum hasn’t changed in over a millennia!

Even with a plan and a map, the Louvre is confusing. Corridors and galleries, and secret passages, you think you’ve seen everything in a section but then realize there’s a corridor within a corridor within a room and it is filled with ancient scientific instruments to read the stars and the cosmos, but you are so overwhelmed that you blow right past it and make a note to come back… if you can find it…again…

I don’t know why I waited so long to come to the Louvre. Five trips to Paris and I had never been to the Louvre or any museum for that matter… I haven’t even seen the Eiffel Tower yet! That will be next on my list. For now I love the Louvre and can’t wait to come back again.


