Dear caroline

I’m so excited! Today I’m hanging out with my friend!!! The English woman, her name is Catherine and we went to Castel San Angelo. She’s a bit of an early riser, and we made plans to meet at 10am. I woke up already waited for the bus…. But it never came. Finally it arrived and I noticed I was getting further and further away from my destination. Panic! The bus dropped us at this terminal station place and I tried to get a taxi. I was so late at this point, but every taxi kept saying no and that I had to walk! I was not dressed for walking in high sun, I was going to get a taxi even if it brought me only half of the way.

I got a taxi, phew, and I asked him why is no one driving to Castel San Angelo. He said that today was the final leg of the Giro Italia, the Italian Tour de France and that the finish line was at Castel San Angelo and all the streets leading to it were closed. We picked a great day to do some sight seeing. I finally made it to Catherine and we had a wonderful time.

I’m still not 100% sure what Castel Sant’ Angelo is but it has been many things over the years. A prison, a mausoleum, military base, and I think a living quarter at some point. Today it’s just a museum. Like every old building in Rome it had some pretty impressive art painted on the walls. We climbed to the very top and saw an amazing view of the city. I was so happy I brought Chloe along and took some photos. She hasn’t been out much in Rome, but I’ll make sure she sees the rest of Europe.

After San Angelo, we were a little peckish and found a little bistro and had some salads. Very refreshing considering all I’ve eaten for 6 weeks is carbs and cheese. Catherine committed the mortal sin of ordering a cappuccino after 11am but it was ok we escaped without too much trouble.

With sight seeing finished, lunch in our bellies and a chaotic city there wasn’t much left to do. Catherine went to go meet some school people at the finish line for a celebration (the school sponsors one of the riders) and I decided to brave the sun and walk to the shopping district to get a new iPad.

I came home one day this week and noticed my iPad wasn’t where I left it and when I went to use it I noticed the corner was smash and the glass all cracked. Something happened to my iPad and I don’t know what. I suspect my roommate as we haven’t been vibing since we arrived and there been tensions. But I have no proof, all I know is I have a broken iPad and I need a new one. I did the math and with the VAT refund when I leave Rome it should be cheaper than buying one in Canada. All said and done, I forgot to account for my credit card conversion and it’s going to be a little bit more than what I would pay in Canada. An unexpected expense but I’m choosing to see it as an early birthday present.

After such an expensive purchase, I was feeling a little bummed and felt like I needed a pick me up. I walked back to the Trevi fountain where my favourite cafe is and got myself a pistachio croissant. Antico Forno do Trevi has the best pistachio croissants, and that’s coming from me, someone who wouldn’t buy a pistachio anything.

Coming home was a lot easier and I stayed home for the rest of the day. City chaos is not for me.


