Dear Caroline,

Have you ever flown business? I haven’t, so for this trip, as a present to myself, I got myself a Premium Comfort seat. It’s one class below First Class but it might as well be called business. I can under stand why people pay the big bucks for this level of comfort. A dedicated menu with real food, not those tv dinners. They gave me a toiletries kit with everything I’ll need for the flight. Not to mention SO MUCH LEG ROOM!  Luckily I don’t have a seat mate so Wonder Woman got her own seat, however it was a little harder to convince the crew she needed her own meal, so we shared.

After dinner Wonder Woman went to bed. I was just too excited and watched tv all night. By the time I was tired enough to fall asleep they started serving breakfast. I let wonder woman sleep in. And that’s when things started to get difficult.

My flight was delayed in taking off so when we landed my once 2 hour connection was now a mere 30 minutes. Then when we arrived at the gate, the sky bridge didn’t work so my connection didn’t happen. They then rebooked me on the latest of flights to Berlin. I decided to splurge and get myself a pass at the KLM lounge so I could be comfortable. I took a nap and I guess I was so tired my body just gave up and I started feeling sick. But a couple of hours later I felt better and was off to Berlin. When I arrived finally I waited like everyone else for their bags but…. Mine wasn’t there. This has never happened to me before, I’m a little worried. My whole life is in that bag. What happens next? When do I get my bag? I’m glad I put an AirTag in there because I know where it is… still in Amsterdam.  All that said and I finally made it to my host family at midnight.

Good night for now, I’m exhausted. Talk soon!


